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Mastering is the final step before the distribution or manufacturing a music record and is, therefore, one of the most important stages of audio production, mostly because it is the final chance to get everything to sound as great as it can sound.



Mastering is the process of converting mixes to records, and prepare them to be distributed or manufactured by producing high-quality masters, in CD form, DDP or digital files. It’s in mastering that all mixes are fine-tuned so they can translate well in every type of speaker, where all mixes are balanced and levelled so they can sound related and part of the same record and where all fades and edits are made to produce the final product.



In this digital age where online music stores are a big part of music distribution, making sure your music translates well and that it is optimised for every type of format available is also a big part of what mastering is about. We are prepared to master for almost every medium available, be it an audio CD, vinyl or the new “Mastered for iTunes” format.


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